IoTPOT: Honeypot for Revealing IoT Cyber Threats
Since 2015, we have been operating and updating honeypots to analyze and capture malware targeting IoT devices.


Dataset-1 is updated!!
26,325 executable files captured by IoTPOT during 2023/01/01 and 2023/12/31 and 5,299 executable files captured by X-Pot during 2023/01/01 and 2023/12/31 are added to our dataset!
Dataset-1 is updated!!
124,799 executable files captured by IoTPOT during 2020/05/21 and 2022/12/31 and 17,290 executable files captured by X-Pot during 2020/11/21 and 2022/12/31 are added to our dataset!
200+ Organizations!!

We have shared our dataset with 200+ organizations.

Dataset-1 is updated.
We added AV labels and AVCLASS2 family label to our malware binary dataset.
We presented our work at AsiaCCS2022.
We presented our work on analyzing exploits in IoT malware binaries at AsiaCCS2022. This was a joint work with Delft University of Technology and TU Wien.
Malware Samples (Total)
The number of malware samples captured by our honeypots.
Malware Samples (Unique)
The number of unique malware samples captured by our honeypots.
The number of organizations we have shared our dataset.
Malware Download URLs (Total)
The number of malware download URLs we have collected.
Malware Download URLs (Unique)
The unique number of malware download URLs we have collected.
The number of citations by scientific papers.
The above stats are calculated from the accumulated records of different honeypots we have developed and operated since 2016.

Number of attacks by Country (The last 7 days)

This map shows locations of attack hosts observed by a subset of our honeypots over the last 7 days.

Number of Captured Malware Samples

This chart shows the number of captured malware samples observed by a subset of our honeypots.

Number of attacks by AS (The last 7 days)

AS Name (AS Number) #Attacks

Number of attacks by Country (The last 7 days)

Country #Attacks
These tables show the number of attacks observed by a subset of our honeypots over the last 7 days.

Number of unique attack hosts by AS (The last 7 days)

AS Name (AS Number) #Attack Hosts

Number of unique attack hosts by Country (The last 7 days)

Country #Attack Hosts
These tables show the number of attack hosts observed by a subset of our honeypots over the last 7 days.


  • Yin Minn Pa Pa, Suzuki Shogo, Katsunari Yoshioka, Tsutomu Matsumoto, Takahiro Kasama, Christian Rossow "IoTPOT: A Novel Honeypot for Revealing Current IoT Threats," Journal of Information Processing, Vol. 57, No. 4, 2016.
  • Yin Minn Pa Pa, Shogo Suzuki, Katsunari Yoshioka, and Tsutomu Matsumoto, Takahiro Kasama, Christian Rossow, "IoTPOT: Analysing the Rise of IoT Compromises," 9th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (USENIX WOOT 2015), 2015.
  • Rui Tanabe, Tatsuya Tamai, Akira Fujita, Ryoichi Isawa, Katsunari Yoshioka, Tsutomu Matsumoto, Carlos Ganan and Michel Van Eeten, "Disposable Botnets: Examining the Anatomy of IoT Botnet Infrastructure," Proc. International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security (ARES2020), 2020.
  • Seiya Kato, Rui Tanabe, Katsunari Yoshioka, Tsutomu Matsumoto, "Adaptive Observation of Emerging Cyber Attacks targeting Various IoT Devices," IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM), 2021.